Information for newly admitted students:

You must apply for the ISIC card electronically. Applicants who have submitted an application via the e-application portal can apply for an ISIC card directly through the portal using the applicant’s login data. The others will have to wait till the student account will be created for them. The student’s account will be created no later than two working days after the receipt slip is processed by the Study Department.  Whether an account has already been created for you can be detected that during the self – service account activation the system displays the user name (Step 1). If you do not see your username wait for at least 24 hours and try again. After submitting the ISIC card application, print and sign the requested documents and bring them with you in September for the enrollment. Without the documents the card will not be issued to you!

Instructions for printing the „ISIC card application“ and for uploading your profile photo

Step 1: Login to MAIS Student – EN (English version). Select the „Profile“ button on the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 2:  The system will display your „Personal (data) options“ window. The button ISIC card application – „Žiadosť o preukaz“ is on the bottom-left corner of the window. If you already have a photo in our academic system (you can see it on the screen) you can print the ISIC card application, sign it and bring it with you for the enrollment in September. The system notifies you if you do not have a photo. You can, of course, change your photo.

Step 3: Prepare your colour photo in the required format. For the processing of photos for a document, the recommended format is 30:35 (width: height). The face of the student must cover at least 60 % of the total photo size. Allowed formats are jpeg, jpg and png. The photo size should not exceed 500 kB!

Step 4: Select the „Settings“ button on the left side of the “Personal options” window.

Click on the „Prehľadávať“ (Browse) button and upload your prepared photo. Confirm it by selecting the „Potvrď zmeny“ (Confirm changes) button. The system will notify you if the photo is not in the required format and in this case you will have to follow the instructions for changing the photo format.

Return to the „Personal options“ window – see Step 2 (your photo will appear) and select the button „Žiadosť o preukaz“ (ISIC card application). Don’t forget to Log out.

The ISIC application can also be printed via the e-application interface. After logging in to the interface, insert the desired photo format via „Personal data“. Then, by clicking on „Your applications forms“, the screen with the application(s) will be displayed. Click on the „Status“ box next to the submitted application and click on „Application for student´s card“ to generate a card application.

Important note:

You can activate your account only once, so please pay great attention to this operation !!!

After activating your account and updating your personal data, sign out of the portal and try signing in to MAIS:

After you activate your account, you will also get access to Office 365. Your login data to Office 365 will be „your login „and the password will be what you create when you activate your account. When you first log in, follow the instructions. The system will navigate you. To sign in to Office 365, click the following link: OFFICE 365 SZU

Completion of the study
If you have a record on the end of your study (including interruption of your study) in the system, your login  to MAIS will be blocked.

The Student Interface is compatible with all Internet browsers, but we recommend Mozilla Firefox.
The Teacher Interface and the Public Portal are fully functional only in Mozilla Firefox.

Cookies, pop-ups, and java scripts must be enabled in the browsers.